Personal And Business Branding

Things you got to put into consideration before venturing into that mouth watering business:

1:- are their raving customers that need this?
2:- what problem can this business (product/service) solve
 3:- how to reach these customers
4:- do I got the ability to scale this business in the long run?
 5:- is this business really profitable?
 6:- what are the risks of running this business?
7:- if things go side ways, do I have to lean to fall onto?
8:- how best can I serve customers better than my competitors?
9:- what can I do better than my competitors?
10:- can I sell other products/services along side this as an upSell(don't stress to much over this as a start up)

Do your research and answer yourself with all honesty 🥂
    Now Personal Branding is something every human has to build internally...

Why? Cause this Simply means how you're being seen by others. It entails your behavior, the value you share, how you carry others along, your daily life, how you keep to time and all that...
Personal Branding is simply how you communicate with others in better understanding to who you really are and what you can  do ✌
   Now Business Branding goes far beyond the naked eyes. Far beyond the logo, the page theme, the business outlook the pitch...

This is an in-depth analysis of how a business is ran from building a business, marketing the business, selling customers, retaining customer's and finally turning custom to business evangelists (that is referring new prospects to your business)

How well have you planned your business?
     Do your customers understand what there in for?
How far do you go to give the best to your customers?
You got to inspect and correct some areas in your business...

Business branding is how best you make your customers understand how your business is operating and the benefits you tend to offer them 🥂

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