9 Strategies for Writing Your Best Facebook Ads

 9 Strategies for Writing Your Best Facebook Ads

There are tons of users on Facebook, but sending an ad out into the void doesn’t result in tons of conversions. The key to Facebook’s advertising is targeting. Facebook has the best ad targeting of any site.

This targeting allows you to get super specific about what audience your ad reaches. If you sell garden hoses, you can reach people who are interested in vegetable gardens and home improvement. If you sell a software-as-a-service (SaaS) tool, you can target those who’ve visited a landing page on your website.

Here are some of the ways you can target your ads on Facebook:

√ Custom audiences – allows you to target existing customers or leads 

√ Location – allows you to target by location (city, state, country)

√ Gender – allows you to target by gender (male or female)

√ Interests – allows you to target by interest (such as fitness, entrepreneurship, fashion, literature)

√ Behaviors – allows you to target by past behavior, such as someone visiting your website. 

√ Connections – allows you to target by people who already like your page, or who have connections that do.

The Two Types of Facebook Ads

There are two types of Facebook ads that marketers can use:

1. Sponsored Posts

Facebook Sponsored posts appear directly in the Facebook News feed. Users see the ads as they are scrolling, and the feature as prominently as posts from close friends. 

2. The Right-Hand Column Ad

The right-hand column ad appears—you guessed it!—in the right column of the Facebook feed. These ads are smaller, but they can’t be scrolled past like sponsored posts in the News Feed. Marketers often use right-hand column ads for retargeting purposes.

Note: Sponsored posts include a fair amount of copy, so I’ll be focusing on copywriting tips for these posts, although the tips can be applied to right-hand column ads as well.

But Does Copywriting for Facebook Ads Really Matter?

Yes! When you envision a Facebook ad, you might think of a large image. Images are important in Facebook Ads, but copywriting is also essential.

If you’re spending money on a Facebook ad, you want to make sure it does its job. Good ad copywriting can persuade your audience to click through to your website. Good copywriting functions as a guide—it shows people where they need to go.

Great advertising copy can persuade, excite, and entertain. It makes connections, cuts out excess information, and makes the choice to proceed seem obvious. It’s an essential part of a successful ad.

So here's how to do it: Use these principles to write the best ads you can.

9 Strategies for Writing Your Best Facebook Ads

1. Use Facebook Targeting to Narrow Your Audience, then Write to It

When it comes to selling online, it’s tempting to write like you’re on stage at a conference. But if you want to be effective, you must write as though you’re writing to one person and ONE person alone.

This person, your target, is the one you need to woo and persuade. Just as though you were an in-person salesperson, you need to focus all your attention on this person and their needs.

2. Write Different Facebook Ads for Different People

This goes along with the idea of targeting. Your customers turn to you for a variety of reasons, so why would you use one blanket ad? Facebook’s strength is its ability to target, so don’t treat your ad like a billboard.

For example, imagine you’re a clothing retailer. You sell men’s and women’s apparel, as well as shoes, accessories, active wear, underwear, and even bath and body products. Many customers will be interested in some of what you have to offer, but many will be most interested in one area. Simply put, women will be interested in what you have for women.

3. Ensure Your Facebook Ad Copy Goes with Your Visual

Many smaller businesses—and even larger ones, especially in the B2B space—don’t have a ton of visuals on hand. When it comes time to run an ad, there’s a scramble to make sure an image gets attached.

This can result in an image that doesn’t go together with the copy, which presents a jarring experience for a Facebook user. If the copy and the image don’t line up, they’ll wonder what the ad is actually advertising. They’ll be unlikely to click, and your ad will be wasted.

If you’re struggling to create images for Facebook ads, you can use image tools like Bannersnack, Canva, PicMonkey, and Pablo by Buffer to create your own.

4. Stay Focused with One Call-to-Action

The best Facebook ads have a clear goal. Are you trying to increase brand awareness, get a lead, or sell a product? No matter what, your ad should have a clear call-to-action. Without it, Facebook users will see your ad, but they’ll have no idea where to click, or what to do.

5. Keep it Short and Lead with Value

You’re paying for an ad, so it can be tempting to cram in as much as possible. You have to explain your product to people, after all. However, when it comes to Facebook ads, you need to keep it short, and lead with value.

What does someone get out of using your product? How will it help them? These are the areas you should focus on in your copy, and you should get these points across in a clear, concise manner.

6. Use Simple Language that’s Easy to Understand

Copy writing is not high literature. Maybe you were a poet in college, but flowery language will muddle your message. It’s time to cut the verbosity.

Your number one priority should be writing a Facebook ad that’s easy to understand for anyone, even a 5th grader. When someone sees your ad, they should immediately know:

What you’re offering, How it benefits them and What to do next

7. Be Upfront About the Numbers

If you’re selling a physical product, people want to know how much it costs. If you’re running a sale, people want to know what percentage they’re going to get off. A copy writing strategy that works? Lead with the numbers.

8. Get Some Perspective

You’re working to market your brand every day, so it can be tough to step back and make sure the copy for your Facebook ad resonates. Scroll through your own Facebook feed and take a look at the ads. Which ones make you want to click? Which ones do you simply scroll past?

It’s a good idea to get some perspective from someone besides yourself. You can hire a freelance writer or editor to write the ad for you, or help you brainstorm. You can also bounce the ad off a few coworkers, especially ones outside the marketing department, to see if they think it’s effective. Friends and family — people outside the business — can help as well.

9. Test your Ad Copy

The only way you can improve your Facebook ad copy is if you run tests. Facebook makes it easy to spend a small amount of money to try things out. In the end, the only way you can ensure your copywriting works is through experience.

Try running two different ads — each with the same image, but different copy — to see which resonates most with your audience. Which version gets the most likes, comments, and conversions?

Write Copy That Drives Results on Facebook

The best ads on Facebook ultimately lead to sales. As a marketer, you need to make sure you’re putting the ingredients together to create an ad that gets the job done, and strong copywriting is an essential part of a good Facebook ad.

Need more tips on Facebook advertising? Check out these resources.

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