Do this if your article is not engaging.


Do this if your article is not engaging.

The truth is most of us think writing is very easy especially when it comes to article writing, blog posts, and other types of writing but they aren’t. 

Why do you think people pay some amount of dollars to learn these skills? It’s because of the values in it. 

In this piece of article, you will learn

 How to write professionally.

 Some common errors to avoid in your writing.

How to write professionally.

Before anything, kindly know that writing is the process of putting your thoughts into words. So to write successfully requires these things; careful planning, organization, and revision.

Careful planning

Before writing anything, you must plan what you want to write. Don’t just start writing without thinking about your audience.


Every piece of writing must be broken down into subheadings in a simple and easy-to-read way.


This should come last, but let me brief it here. It’s a must you revise your work as many times as possible before submitting it to that client or publishing it on a blog.

Other things to know are:

 Defining your audience

There must be a clear understanding of who you are writing to. 

Ask yourself these questions. What is the purpose of writing this content? What is your goal for writing this content? To write something powerful and impressive, you must know your “why” for writing.

 Also, the use of the right tone.

The tone of your audience is how you present your ideas to your readers in a formal or informal tone. You must understand if your writing is to inform or encourage.   

Never use big words.

 Remember that the goal is to make your readers understand what they are reading. 

Use strong verbs in your sentence; they are words that create action and captivate the reader's mind. 

Strong verbs make writing powerful.

Revise and always edit your words. Also, read your work aloud and always notice any passive voice. 

There is more to writing but these are just the basic things to know.

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