5 keys to Improving Your Self-Esteem

    Lately I noticed that a lot of people are battling with their self-esteems and i  have come up with these 5 keys that will help you to improve your self-esteems. 

    Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself, or the opinion you have about yourself. Everyone has times when they feel a bit low or find it hard to believe in themselves. However, if this becomes a long-term situation, this can lead to problems, including mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Some of the symptoms of low self-esteem can also be a sign of these problems.

    Self-esteem is often the result of a lifetime of experiences, and particularly what happened to us as children. However, it is possible to improve your self-esteem at any age. This page provides more information about self-esteem, and some actions that you can take to improve it.

    1. Identify and Challenge Your Negative Beliefs

    The first step is to identify, and then challenge, your negative beliefs about yourself.

    Notice your thoughts about yourself. For example, you might find yourself thinking ‘I’m not clever enough to do that’ or ‘I have no friends’. When you do, look for evidence that contradicts those statements. Write down both statement and evidence, and keep looking back at it to remind yourself that your negative beliefs about yourself are not true.

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      2. Identify the Positive About Yourself

      It is also a good idea to write down positive things about yourself, such as being good at a sport, or nice things that people have said about you. When you start to feel low, look back at these things, and remind yourself that there is plenty of good about you.

      In general, positive internal dialogue is a big part of improving your self-esteem.

      If you catch yourself saying things like ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I’m a failure’, you can start to turn things around by saying ‘I can beat this’ and ‘I can become more confident by viewing myself in a more positive way’.

      To begin with you will catch yourself falling back into old negative habits, but with regular effort you can start to feel more positive and build your self-esteem as well.

      3. Build Positive Relationships—and Avoid Negative Ones

      You will probably find that there are certain people—and certain relationships—that make you feel better than others.

      If there are people who make you feel bad about yourself, try to avoid them.

      Build relationships with people who make you feel good about yourself and avoid the relationships that drag you down.

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    4. Give Yourself a Break

    You don’t have to be perfect every hour of every day. You don’t even have to feel good about yourself all the time.

    Self-esteem varies from situation to situation, from day to day and hour to hour. Some people feel relaxed and positive with friends and colleagues, but uneasy and shy with strangers. Others may feel totally in command of themselves at work but struggle socially (or vice versa).

    Give yourself a break. We all have times when we feel a bit down or find it harder to maintain our self-belief.

    The key is not to be too hard on yourself. Be kind to yourself, and not too critical.

    Avoid criticising yourself to others, because this can reinforce your negative views—and also give other people a (possibly false) negative opinion of you.

    You can help to boost your self-esteem by giving yourself a treat whenever you succeed in doing something hard, or just for managing a particularly bad day.

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    5. Become More Assertive and Learn to Say No

    People with low self-esteem often find it hard to stand up for themselves or say no to others.

    This means that they may become over-burdened at home or at work, because they do not like to refuse anyone anything. However, this can increase stress, and make it even harder to manage.

    Developing your assertiveness can therefore help to improve your self-esteem. Sometimes acting as if you believed in yourself can actually help to increase self-belief!

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    I hope this helps, kindly share this post and drop a comment.


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