How to Make Money Online without Owning a Product

 I see a lot of people saying the reason why they have not started making Money Online is because they don't have a product that they can sell, or they don't have a service they can render

Well, if you ask me, I will say this is just a random excuses and it's irrelevant!

Listen up!👉🏿

If you're still giving that kind of excuses, it's means you're still living in the past!

The Internet has gone beyond that, you don't necessarily need to have a product or service of your own before you can make Money...

You Can Leverage on other people's products or services and use it to make some money...

These are what the like of Jumia,Konga, Amazon, Uber, and some other brands are doing...

In 2019, I made some bastard money with Jumia...

All I do was , I registered as an Affiliate on Jumia  and  find a hot product on Jumia, then I will recommend it to my Audience, (I was still running a WhatsApp TV then).

So, when Anyone shows interest in the product, I will just help them to order the product on Jumia with my link and I get my commission once Jumia delivers the product...   

Crazy Right?

Well, I didn't just rely on Just my WhatsApp Audience even tho, 

I had a lot of people viewing my WhatsApp Status.

I also have a blog that I do write Blogpost about the products and later recommend the product at the end.

All I was doing was to Leverage on the products on Jumia then, recommend it to people and get my commission once I made a sale

Why am I telling you all this?

I just want you to Realize that you don't necessarily need to have a product of your own...

Just Leverage on other people's products and help them sell for a Commission...

This Business Model is Called  Affiliate Marketing.

Calm Down!

I know you have heard about Affiliate Marketing several Times..

They have told you a lot of Non-sense about Affiliate Marketing.

They have told you a lot of lies about Affiliate Marketing just because they want to collect Money From you😂...

Well, I don't mean to Break Tables 

But sincerely, I've seen a lot of lies about  

Affiliate Marketing flying around from the so call Coaches that don't even know what Affiliate Marketing is really is...

So, I want to correct that, and show you How Affiliate Marketing really works and How you can Milk some Cash from it!


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